Group 1

Based on the project inputs you selected in our Group Rating Calculator, the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in Specification C1.10 state that your wall and ceiling lining materials need to meet a minimum of Group 1.* You can also select Non-Combustible materials.


Group 1 Rated Products

The following products from Atkar Group have options within the range that can be used where a minimum Group 1 rating is required.

Atkar Group are committed to bringing you the highest quality products and have an ongoing fire testing program. Please check back here regularly for updates.

* Disclaimer: Information for this tool has been sourced using data from Specification c.1.10 (Table 3: Wall & Ceiling Lining Materials) of the National Construction Codes 2016 Volume 1, Amendment 1 Building Code of Australia. The information in this tool is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the information take responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy to their particular project circumstances. Whilst care has been undertaken in the preparation of this calculator, we recommend you consult with fire engineer to ensure your preferred product meets BCA requirements.

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